ExO Economy Reaches the Next Step in Decentralization

October 20, 2021

As Fluid Chains, we’re very happy to report that ExO Economy’s blockchain no longer requires external development support, graduating into a true, emerging, decentralized organization. 

We have been there since the very inception of the ExO Economy in 2018, with a unique opportunity of designing, building and operating a nascent blockchain, community-driven project. 

We saw it grow from a few dozens to a few thousand community members. We ensured the blockchain grew safely from zero to more than 1.6M+ blocks. Throughout the years, the EXOS technology stack operated stably at an average of 67 seconds per block - and with no forks - in which we, as Fluid Chains, take great pride. 

As the blockchain and the token kept on churning in the background, we went through multiple wallets, network updates, use cases, community configurations, collaboration agreements and engagement projects, including EXOS blockchain-registered ExOAwards and the recent bridge between EXOS and the booming Ethereum DeFi ecosystem. Still, blockchain is about people and community, not just tech or code, or a single company. 

We see the drive to decentralize ExO Economy’s operations, giving more power to the community and crowd, since one of the preconditions for true decentralization is having a community of developers, rather than a single company maintaining the code and monitoring the blockchain. Hence, we’re thankful for the unique opportunity we got and happy to step down as the prime technology provider for the ExO Economy, in order to allow the 8000+ strong OpenExO community to take ExO Economy to the next level. 

The Fluid Chains Team